Tuesday 31 January 2012

Definition Of Latin American Cuisine

It has been a week since this blog was created, and already so many people have been asking what does latin american cuisine mean. Some think it means the cuisine of latinos living in the US. Others think latin american simply implies Mexican. Quite a few are shocked that Argentina, being a majority white country, is also considered latin american. And not many people know what Nicaragua and Honduras means.

Latin american cuisine means the cuisine of latin america. Which is a region that starts from northern Mexico all the way south to the tip of southern Argentina. Almost all the countries in the region except Guyana, Suriname and Belize are considered latin american. The region also comprises of the caribbean islands that was once under Spanish and to a lesser extent, French rule. Such as The Domenican Republic (Spain), Cuba (Spain) and Haiti (France).

The reason why this region is called latin america, is the fact that the entire region of this portion of the Americas was under the control of 3 major latin european countries. Spain, Portugal and France. Spain occupied the biggest area with countries like Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico under its rule. Brazil belonged to Portugal and French Guiana still belongs to France.

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